Birds Chirping Cendet

Bird Chirphing Cendet
Bird Cendet Bird Pentet is or was one bird predators which have sound variation stuffing a very melodious. Many connoisseurs consider the bird mania treatment this type of bird is difficult. When caring for this bird just as easy with caring for other types of birds chirping. Cendet is a smart Bird Bird of the family Turdidae.Cendet including the favourite for the hobbyists who delighted with the bird that can imitate various sounds of other birds. It used to be around the beginning of the 1990 's, as written Ne Maloedyyn Sitanggang and Sam in caring for a bird Chirping, Coached & cendet is a bird that has not been a lot of interest. Even the price is not more than the price of birds kutilang. However, in the process, people know that besides having a beautiful physical form, it turns out that this bird has an interesting voice and can sound memaster birds. Therefore, the in droves people trying to get the birds and looking for the best quality.

The sound of birds cendet 1
The sound of birds cendet 2

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Type a Cendet sound ngerol, likely to dominate the sound of the babbling birds if we measures in the House together. Compared to other birds, a song can have a Cendet variable (depending on the pattern pemasteran), has a melodious voice of color. Although it can be very hard, but not deafening. The difference with the sound of birds chirping to each other.

Cendet also have other names, such as bentet, pentet, and toet (West Java) and the bird is a bird of prey and aggressive in family Laniidae. Family Laniidae includes 74 species which are divided in 4 subfamilies. Cendet common Laniinae belonging to the subfamily and the Genus Lanius.

Types of cendet own assortment which spread across several regions in the world. One of them, is cendet large grey (L excubitor). This species has the largest body size with a length of up to 25 cm. Cendet breeds in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Along with the black and white cendet (l. ludovicianus), birds – this is the bird species live in the new world (the Americas). Other types, a small gray cendet (l. minor) who has habitats in southern Europe, Central Asia, and Africa to the East. In addition,

Red head Cendet (L senator) who live in the southern part of the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, and Africa. There is also a bentet bird species have similar forms found in India and Southeast Asia, namely chocolate cendet (/.. christatus) that many are contested in Indonesia and a black neck cendet (L colarris).

This bird has a native habitat in the forest, especially in the high trees. Its preferred food is seeds, insects, and fruit. This is usually a bird's nest made of twigs, grass, Moss, flowers, wool, and fur that are bound using the nest of spiders and attributed to trees or bushes on ketinggan 4 — 6 metres from the ground. the bird is capable of producing eggs as many as 3 — 6 grains per period of time of spawn. These eggs will hatch after incubated for two weeks.

At the time of creative, most of the time the parent females spent incubating eggs. To get food, the male parent will feeding. At the age of 2 — 3 weeks after hatching, the chicks are usually cendet have begun to learn to fly and leave the nest.

The basic character of the bird Cendet. Ferocious when hungry. These birds will apply aggressive when hungry. The Boxer that has territorial. When other birds hear a sound or see a bird of some sort, then the spirit of wanting to direct blazing.

Of lust that tends to ease up. It is very easy to ride a lust, many of the causes that can make the accession of lust on birds of this type. EF (Extra Fooding) are over, drying out the excess or see other Cendet birds, it can quickly raise the level of lust. Easy to tame. Because of the high adaptation capability, then the bird is easy to tame to humans.

Its body length 20 — 25 cm. Beak forming a hook at the end, similar to a bird falkon, a type of Eagle. Cendet also has a strong leg and sharp claws used to grip its prey in the air. Short wings and a round bore 10 rods the outer primary feathers and tail has 12 feathers round that serves as a rudder when flying cendet. Cendet also has a stiff feathers that grow around the snout.

Typical bird cendet is long and its tail snaking if will is being read. The song of the cendet include a harmonious tone. Different loud noise once with the fuss and the sound of shrill winds. The nature of the original bird cendet is fierce. If pecking order, usually at the same time a sharp bite with his beak. If biting the hands or other body parts, usually will leave bite marks on the body part.

However, if a bird cendet we observe since puppies, the nature of fierce will be a little lost. Even the birds will be approached if seen