How To Know
The Traits Of Magpies Rock Terrain
How To KnowThe Traits Of Magpies Rock Terrain. Magpies rock is bird of the family
turdidae. In terms of votes loud, as well as the physical, Magpies rock Terrain
of this sort. The hallmark of a very striking and not owned by the type of the
other Magpies in Indonesia is on the tail, and nearly all bird enthusiasts is
of the opinion that the tail on magpies rock Terrain also is longer and the
super quirky hell. If seen rumped Medan is superior in terms of his physical
are popular in Indonesia as rumped Borneo, Nias and Aceh, lampung. Not only the
sound and the tail is his size is also more relatively large so if seen more
authoritative. Bird lovers are certainly more interested with rumped terrain
than others. Reasonable if birds this one on the market today also belongs to
expensive, but it's not true for bird lovers who want to have it already.
Magpies rock
Terrain isn't really a bird endemic to the origin of the city of Medan, because
birds have a long tail like the program we can find in almost all regions of
Indonesia such as Java and Kalimantan. Called Magpie birds because the Terrain
is widely collected in the city of Medan before venturing into other areas in
Indonesia. And indeed there are Magpies in a variety of spesiaes which only has
a tail slah longer, and bird lovers know him as Murai Rock terrain.
Almost all
Murai had his trademark long tail IE. But some bird lovers there is also who
knew him with the term rumped Terrain super long tail. This term usually is
often given to the kind of voice that has and murao's tail. And the name is
often also given to murai Masteran field, although there are many types of
murai and others have characterized or a cursory physical appearance is almost
the same.
Knowing The
Characteristics Of Magpies Rock Terrain
Many argue
that the traits recognise magpies stone Terrain in addition to her body that
looks more muscular and stocky is long on the tail, may 27-sized up to 30 cm.
Not only is it just a dark color (black) on his body will turn into dark blue
when exposed to sunlight directly. In General, Magpies Rock Terrain when he was
young at his feet look red in the dark and at a time when adults will be flaky.
At the moment the Master Twitter bird color feather white on tail section
appears visible flutter by erecting a badanya like a Cobra.
How To Care
For Magpies Rock Terrain
To do
routine maintenance on a daily basis, while the morning and evening before
wind-washed anginkan formerly magpies maximum rock 35menit. Do the spraying to
bathe the Magpies to soaking wet and then dry 1 to 2 hours to dry the body then
it under a rock, but the Magpies sahakan place that is not exposed to direct
sunlight. And if at the time of the evening kerodong the nest to give the
warmth of body temperature the stone so that the magpies are protected from
insect bites like mosquitoes and so on. Do the above things regularly every
day. Kerodong also has the aim to create a comfortable and birds may raise
konsenterasinya if at the moment is being done masteran using the voice of a
bird gacor.
Bird Cage
Rumped Medan
the birdcage Rumped Field can b
e adjusted
with the most needs to watch out for is to make the birds feel comfortable and
not stress. If you have a cost and budget buy a cage that was certainly
appropriate in accordance to magpies rock terrain. And you can buy it in the
shops of bird feed sellers are already widely available everywhere with a
relatively affordable price.
It was not
easy to distinguish the different types of stone from the Magpies Sumatra and
Kalimantan, however there are some specific characteristics that you can be
used as a benchmark, but not necessarily entirely correct, and for these traits
to figure it out please refer below :
At the tail
of the Magpies rock Sumatra generally formed like the letter V while in Borneo
rumped Letter U-shaped and striped black or white.
The color in
the feathers on the chest magpies Rock Sumatra more than chest fur looks sharp
magpies rocks Kalimantan.
rocks Kalimantan often develop fur body time Twitter