
There are several possibilities of bird feathers catkin your own.
The behavior of catkin own fur there is normal and not normal.
1. Normal Behavior is usually done after a shower or when the bird wants to take a shower in order tidying up and decorated with feathers. The feathers are not healthy or broken usually instinctively bird thrown way pulled it out.
2. abnormal Behavior. This will cause the birds bald-balding due to overload. This is due to many possible.
a. you place the bird, perhaps in places where the air is too dry. Try two days mainly on time hot air, the bird was daubed with clean water using a hand sprayer. Spray on birds and around confinement, but do not let the fear of birds. So spraying is done slowly with a fine spray of water as rain wet still small voice.

b. the bird Might lack a range of vitamins and minerals, as well as mineral oil. Administering the vitamin can be done by inserting into feed or drinking water birds depends on the form of vitamins and minerals is given.

c. may be due to the ektoparasit, i.e., ticks and mite flea. Try to solve it spray carefully using the active ingredient insketisida pyrethrine.

d. Probably less enclosure ventilation and sunlight. Strive to improve ventilation and infusion ultarviolet rays.


Such lump of meat is growing, whether large or small, rough (scab) and smooth, often we have encountered in the body of the bird and pigeon. If you find such a thing, either on foot, face, near the beak, and a few other sections that are open, or even in the mouth of a bird, there is no need to panic even though it must immediately take action treatment.

On the Canaries for example, often grow meat of jewawut around the beak and or around his eyes. In pigeons for instance, we often encounter bemoan meat grows near the rectum, around half of the even in her mouth.

For such a small bumps that grow on the Canaries, which are often called the pox (smallpox). Because it grows in the walnuts, then called canary pox. If he grows on Dove, called pigeon pox. Other symptoms that appear can be a wart on the corner of the mouth and feet, but most fatal consequence is if it grows in the respiratory tract (dippers).

To overcome this, things can be done as follows:
1. Because the canary pox is caused by a virus and can be transmitted by mosquitoes, then the cage needs to be surrounded and isolated.

2. To anticipate secondary infections, the bump-bump brush with BirdCream once a day during Spurn.
There is also a lump, it could even be on the inside of the mouth, which is not caused by smallpox, but by the presence of malignant tumor or not papilomatosis on the skin. In other cases, it could be caused by the presence of infection is a type of fungus called Candida albicans.

In such cases, it should be done:
1. Part of a dead or rotting cut (carefully if there is bleeding), then ditotol-totol with BirdCream. Do these daily until healed.

2. give the drug BirdBlown by way of usage as mentioned in brochure Jimmyboi2.

3. Bird should be separate for the purposes of care and feeding nutritious, with a content of vitamins and minerals. If a bird eating difficulties, then we can feed feeding.

Candida Albicans
As mentioned above, infection of the mouth or gastrointestinal tract to another up to the rectum, can be caused by the presence of Candida Africans. Candida Africans is a fungus that is commonly grown in environments that allow and on birds can affect the gastrointestinal tract.

The digestive tract, a region prone to bouts of candida Africans.
As mentioned in the pethealthna.lifelearn.com, it is a common cause of what is called "sour crop" or "crop infection" (ingluvitis), particularly on the young. Dissemination through the adult birds, water, contaminated environment and human hands that provide the feed. Even bird-keepers, could already infected with the fungus, which is commonly known as a yeast infection or fungus.

Candida can be a primary or secondary cause of occurrence of infections. Candida in small amounts, usually regarded as the common/normal residents of the digestive tract of birds. Disturbance or imbalance in the population of bacteria in the digestive tract can cause rapid growth of Candida.

Candida infection can be used to handle the remedy anti fungal. Or do a treatment with mycostatin. However, it would be better if it is done with doing the sanitation wears FreshAves, maintain the cleanliness of food and environmental hygiene to your bird.

3. The BIRD suddenly PARALYZED
Currently many found case of birds suddenly like lame, weak, not powered and only cold in the bottom of the cage, though if the Fed he still wants to eat it.
If such a condition, usually antibiotics cannot help. Such birds were initially not affected due to microbial attack and hence do not need antibiotics for treatment.
Things like that are generally caused birds lack the intake of minerals, especially calcium. A deficiency of one of the minerals will make bird dop because without enough minerals, then vitamins and other food will not terolah well in the digestive system and metabolism of birds.
When the bird, then came the drop conditions of anemia. Birds are very limp is not powered.
The first thing to do is to overcome anemianya by providing vitamin B12. Because there is no single preparations of B12, Om can provide vitamin B complex or other multivitamins with B12.
At the same time, the bird should still get good food intake. It's just that, as long as the system is not yet functioning normally, digestion will be difficult for him to get enough energy to survive.
 If birds still want to eat, and he is Insectivores, give only kroto with multivitamin sprinkled, for example BirdVit. Multivitamins are dissolved into the water and hope the birds want to drink it is a job that is useless because the terminus just a bit.

Try the granting of any order entered into the bird's digestion in a way not held. For birds in the condition drop, if held would be like a Jolt because it does not have a labyrinth and this can cause death.
DRH Jatrmiko Jogja once told me, to give the bird feed intake like this try using injection replaced with small hose ends. Drops-squirt what we expect is consumed above the bird's beak in the hope there is a part that goes into the mouth of a bird and terminus.
Bother indeed, but that's the way the best veterinarian recommended.
DRH Dharmojono, consultant bird in Infovet magazine once wrote, a bird in the condition of the sick, if depressed in the chest can choke and die in our hands.

Symptoms and signs are as follows:
Love Bird-eyes watery and like always crying.
Sick birds always rub up against her eyes to hanging out.
-Eye swell and Redden around the outer eyelids.
-Shit (feces) is not normal-colored, white watered and smelled foul.
-Appetite dropped drastically. So the birds are thin, weak and always sleepy.
-In two weeks, the birds die.

The cause of the
1. The Enclosure is not clean.
2. A bad air circulation.
3. Use of inappropriate antibiotic drug.

The solutions we provide are:
a. Always clean the cage regularly and periodically.

b. Spray the enclosure and all the trappings of a cage with a disinfectant such as FreshAves.

c. Strengthen the resilience of the body of a bird (i mum) by administering multivitamin and multi mineral that fine quality, such as BirdVit.

d. For a sick bird, soon obtain with StopSnot drugs.
Use of StopSnot is performed according to the instructions given in the brochure. During treatment, the bird was placed in a cage which was given as a lamp. In addition, once a day, the swollen in coax gently with a soft cloth moistened with warm water.

A. Psittacosis was one of the causes of hoarse birds or even a losing vote. According to the documentation in the New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service (mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au) is a rare disease psittacosis are usually transmitted to man and birds are caused by germs called Chlamydia psittaci.

How the spread of this disease?
Generally the infection occurs when people inhale with TB germs – usually from dried bird droppings are exposed to infection. People can also be exposed because kissing ' mouth and the beak ' with birds or handled the feathers and bird body cells affected by the disease. There is no evidence that the contagious Psittacosis among fellow human beings.

All birds are susceptible to infection but are maintained (e.g. parrots, parrots and cockatoos) and poultry (turkeys and ducks) are the most frequent infectious disease in humans.

How do symptoms of psittacosis?
Time lapse of the birds are exposed to germs and the progression of symptoms are uncertain, i.e. between 4-15 days.
This attack affected birds sometimes shows no significant bird only lethargy loss of sound or gravelly. In many cases, the birds also sneezing or coughing even difficult breathing, a runny nose, and sometimes also accompanied by diarrhea.
Hoarse voice and lost the handle on a bird
Separate birds from other birds, so they don't transmit disease and treated with antibiotics and germs in the nest does

For a drug to attack the affected birds psittacosis or a hoarse voice missing and affected be granted BirdBlown regularly and consistently appropriate description in the brochure.
Do the extermination of all parasites and fungi and microbes around the neighborhood birds with FreshAves.

B. other respiratory tract Infections
In addition to the hoarse or lost votes because of psittacosis, attack other microbes and parasites in the respiratory tract will also cause a hoarse voice or loss of birds.
For treatment quickly, can be used BirdTwitter. BirdTwitter is an oral solution containing substance good bistro or anti parasitic ends causes of hoarse birds, shortness of breath and jammed the sound.